The Battle of The Plate by Commander A.B. Campbell (R.D.).

The Battle of The Plate by Commander A.B. Campbell (R.D.).
Publsher is Herbert Jenkins Limited (3 Duke of York Street St. Jame’s London, S.W.1)

This book was first published in May 1940, so it is almost a live account of the event. It is not fully accurate as some details were not released yet and not all witnesses were not available. It is however a vivid account of the battle and it provide the feel an accent of this early time of World War II.

DKM GrafSpee, What’s next?

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It has been 8 months since the release of DKM Graf Spee 1.2 and it is time to present the roadmap of our leading product. DKM Graf Spee will get 2 updates in the next 6 months.

DKM Graf Spee 1.3 will be an evolution. It will still be based on the same Objective-C framework than the current revision 1.2 on the Apple App store. The main updates to this versions will be:

  • A new improved unit interface to interact with the different mounts (gun, torpedo)
  • At least 3 additional scenarios with a new menu to select scenario
  • Fight at night with variable visibility
  • Introduction of the French destroyers of the force X

DKM Graf Spee 2.0 will be based on a Swift framework. It will be the base for the universal Seamulation platform. This major revision will introduce several new and exciting features

  • Scenario introducing aerial units. The aero-naval operations will include HMS Hermes. The operation of HMS Hermes will engage a flight of 12 Swordfishs. The scenario will be a sweep with the force X based in Dakar to block the DKM Graf Spee to go back in the North Atlantic.
  • The interface with different menus consolidated in the Home page
  • Online help
  • Provide scalability on time (from 1 minute to 60 minutes)
  • Aerial operations will be enhanced with a command screen for each asset (reconnaissance units)

We will review also the opportunity to do a release on the Apple TV

For more information, please email us at